You Won't Need a Doctor Again After This

You Won't Need a Doctor
Again After This

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"As a Vietnam combat medic, I found Survival MD right up there with U.S. Army training". David Endsley

"As a Vietnam combat medic, I found Survival MD
right up there with U.S. Army training"
. David Endsley

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Here's a Glimpse of What's Inside
Survival MD:

Here's a Glimpse of What's Inside
Survival MD:

In a crisis, US hospitals could be quickly overwhelmed. Reducing us to the level of a 3rd world country...

  • Without a doctor for miles.
  • No working clinics.
  • And zero reply from 911...

What then?

That's why we've teamed up with Dr. Radu Scurtu to give you the ultimate survival medicine guide…

Because there’s no education like adversity. And Dr. Scurtu has worked in some of the toughest places on earth. Where shortages, overloaded emergency wards, and infrastructure failures, like blackouts, were simply normal…

In short, exactly what you'll face when SHTF.

Just keep in mind what you'll see below is only the tip of the iceberg and there's FAR MORE inside 'Survival MD'. With high-resolution images, carefully detailed diagrams, and step-by-step instructions on...

How to Care for Chronic Disease in A Crisis

How to Care for Chronic
Disease in A Crisis

Including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular illness, inflammation, MS, arthritis, COPD, stroke, dementia, and more. All of which remain the WORST killers in a disaster. EVEN in areas ravaged by other threats.

In big part because people can't get the meds they need. And even though these meds also last for FAR longer than you'd think...

One reason 90% of drugs now used by the US military are “expired”, following a massive multimillion-dollar trial.

A simple trick that could also save you $1,000 a year. On average. Once you know how...

Safely Treat Wounds, Breaks, Burns and Injuries...

Safely Treat Wounds, Breaks,
Burns and Injuries...

Such as gun shots, stab wounds, electrical injuries, abrasions, cuts, lacerations, fractures, and more. Including...

How to fix a broken tendon (that's still a major source of lifelong disability—even today), how to plaster cast an arm or leg, fix a cracked rib, bandage a burn, reattach a tooth with salt water, and many more incredible skills…

PLUS, life-saving guidance on the most likely injuries you'll face, and how to prepare for them.

Stop Bleeding in Seconds!

Stop Bleeding in Seconds!

Anywhere on the body. Even on a sucking chest wound. REMEMBER: most victims bleed out in just 3 minutes, on average. Making every second count.

3 Kitchen Ingredients That Save 2 Million Lives a Year

3 Kitchen Ingredients That Save 2
Million Lives a Year

By defeating one of the world's deadliest post-crisis diseases… even in the US… where outbreaks follow every major disaster… at 1.6 million deaths a year. Despite the fact such ingredients also cost just a few cents and could quickly vanish when pharmacies shut down.

How to Treat or Prevent a Killer Infection...

How to Treat or Prevent a
Killer Infection...

That affects up to half of all victims in a catastrophe. Inflicting death, lifelong disability, or disfigurement — which occurs when wounds don't properly heal. Something 6.5 million Americans currently suffer from… Especially if you're in an at-risk group. Like the elderly, if you're a little overweight, or spend a lot of your day sitting down..

Legally Stockpile Stacks of Antibiotics, Painkillers, and Meds...

Legally Stockpile Stacks of Antibiotics,
Painkillers, and Meds...

Even without refrigeration. That way, you won't run out, or accidentally hurt someone you love. Including a complete list of every medication you'll need — for pain relief, gastrointestinal problems, skin health, psychotropic issues, and more. Plus, those which are safe for children…

The WORST Mistakes to Avoid When SHTF

The WORST Mistakes to
Avoid When SHTF

After all, accidentally hurting a loved one, while trying to help, is a nightmare come true.

That's why we've also covered how NOT to take a pulse — and why getting it wrong could see you marked as a “beating heart corpse...”

...which meds lead to instant death — if you're forced to stop taking them, and those you can safely quit cold turkey...

Plus, what NEVER to do with a recovering addict, why you MUST avoid fruit if your kidneys hurt, and more.

When NOT to Add Butter to A Burn

When NOT to Add Butter to A Burn

As the butter's grease will slow the release of heat from the skin. Making things worse. And which everyday items you can safely use instead, with fantastic results.

The Simple Way to Stitch a Cut

The Simple Way to Stitch a Cut

Plus, when you should NEVER (ever!) let a wound "breathe" — and when you MUST. Like for an animal bite. UNLESS it's in one of three places on your body… How big a cut should be before you get stitches... and when getting stitches TOO SOON will cause a nasty scar.

First On the Scene? Here's What to Do...

First On the Scene? Here's
What to Do...

Because in an emergency your every choice will be a life-or-death one. That's why we'll show you a 4-step body check, so you don't miss anything lethal, how to check for internal bleeding, with the 'blood on the floor and four more' method, the ABC method of emergency response…

PLUS, the TeCaMoLo shortcut to identify any medical issue, 3 red flags a victim is brain damaged, the 9% rule for calculating a body's burn area — and why at 45% you won't make it, even in a hospital circled by experts… and more.

How to Care for Someone in Shock

How to Care for Someone in Shock

Which kills up to half of those it afflicts. While also sending 1.2 million Americans to the ER each year. As a result of trauma, heatstroke, poisoning, or a commonplace allergic reaction. Any of which can affect you out of the blue.

Predict Death With 83% Accuracy Using the Glasgow Coma Score

Predict Death With 83% Accuracy Using
the Glasgow Coma Score

That way, if you're ever forced to choose between one or more victims, you won't make a bad call about who to prioritize. Simply by looking at a patient's eyes, mouth, and their reaction to a specific test.

How Not to Get Sick, EVEN If Others Do

How Not to Get Sick, EVEN
If Others Do

Because if 2020 has proved anything it's that disease is still our #1 enemy. And that prevention beats cure. Including pro-level hygiene tips like…

How to make sanitizer from scratch —that's strong enough to kill salmonella, E. coli, influenza and more, using basic ingredients like oil, water, or vinegar…

...the lazy way to dispose of domestic waste, with easy-to-do plans for an outhouse, waste burner, compost bin and other epic life savers.

PLUS, how to “dry sterilize” items with a towel, to make them surgery safe; create toothpaste at home, from baking soda and salt; and a full list of the worst diseases you'll face in a crisis, how to beat them, and more…

The Most Powerful Remedies We Lost to History

The Most Powerful Remedies We
Lost to History

Including how to manage pain with a simple driveway weed, calm a cough with a delicious syrup, swiftly settle a mouth infection, or soothe away a toothache with a common kitchen spice. Plus, how to bolster your bowel movements, or beat a cold or flu, with a fragrant brew cherished by Kiowa, Cheyenne, Pawnee healers, and more...

The Top 10, 25 And 50 Medical Items to Own or Stockpile

The Top 10, 25 And 50 Medical Items
to Own or Stockpile

Based on your age, health, and geography. Plus, the best medical response kits to buy, how to assemble the ultimate hygiene pack, first aid kit or bugout bag. That way, no matter what happens, you'll always have a solution to hand.

Why You MUST Own an Inhaler — Even If You Don't Have Asthma

Why You MUST Own an Inhaler —
Even If You Don't Have Asthma

Because respiratory infection kills 10 million people every year. And is especially lethal in a disaster zone. Accounting for a third of all deaths in many cases. When smoke, debris, or toxins fill the air. For example, after 9/11, where more Americans were ultimately killed by dust in the air than died in the collapse.

The Jazz Age Booze That Could (Literally) Save Your Skin

The Jazz Age Booze That Could
(Literally) Save Your Skin

By disinfecting cuts, soothing away muscle ache, and acting as a powerful germ-killing sanitizer. (And NO, it's NOT whisky, gin, vodka, or rum , which are useless!). Plus, why you MUST stockpile it BEFORE another 2020-style 3x price surge.

7 Ways to Treat and Prevent Radiation Poisoning

7 Ways to Treat and Prevent
Radiation Poisoning

And when a victim will turn into the “walking dead”. Set to die in 2 short weeks. Even if they look healthy. Plus, why you're more likely to survive a nuclear apocalypse than most people think...

The NASA Secret to Long Term Survival

The NASA Secret to Long
Term Survival

When the nearest hospital is 250 miles away, and why you'll want it, even if you're healthy. Since without it 250,000 Americans would needlessly die each year. Many in as little as 48 hours.

Subtle Signs of Danger Even Professionals Miss...

Subtle Signs of Danger Even
Professionals Miss...

Like when sore feet are a red light for an incoming heart attack, rock hard abs are signal you need surgery, how to diagnose a brain lesion, and more. Plus, the best way to react to improve your survival odds.

First Aid Basics Everyone MUST Know

First Aid Basics Everyone

Because even if you ignored 99% of this book these easy-to-do tips and tricks could still save your life, or a loved one's. Including…

Why 92% of Americans DO NOT survive a heart attack outside of the hospital… and when crowds will watch it happen, DESPITE your cries for help...

Or how to quickly fix a dislocated shoulder -- whether it's your arm that's dislocated or a friend's…

And the simple fix to boost your survival odds by 50%, regardless of the crisis you face. TIP: most of us do this every day without knowing it...

Plus, how to safely remedy climate-specific threats like frostbite, heatstroke, ticks, encephalitis, or mosquitos (that kill 1 million people a year). Then there's...

The Right Way to Give CPR — Even to A Baby

The Right Way to Give CPR —
Even to A Baby

In a way that's easy to recall and could triple a victim's survival odds. One reason world-respected groups like the Peace Corps and Red Cross prioritize this simple skill above all else.

When Hair Loss Is a Subtle Sign Of Hidden Gangrene

When Hair Loss Is a Subtle Sign Of
Hidden Gangrene

As well as other hints, like a sore butt, swelling, bruising, blisters, shiny or cool skin, a fever, numbness, and more. All of which are important to recognize in a disaster. Especially if you have an underlying condition like atherosclerosis or diabetes which multiply your risk.

Which Common Household Item Has Saved a Billion Lives?

Which Common Household Item Has
Saved a Billion Lives?

More than pasteurization, bifurcated needles, or even antibiotics, where "lives saved" ONLY sits in the hundreds of millions. And how to ensure you have one to hand when SHTF. Tip: it's NOT soap, a blood transfusion kit, anesthesia, or water chlorination...

When The Sound of Snow Is a Telltale Sign of Pneumonia

When The Sound of Snow Is a
Telltale Sign of Pneumonia

A lethal disease that hospitalizes over 1 million Americans a year . And was THE leading cause of death in the 1900s. Before the invention of penicillin. Yet is also surprisingly easy to remedy…

And Dozens More Amazing Life Saving Skills...

And Dozens More Amazing Life
Saving Skills...

Like how to safely reinflate a punctured lung… deliver a baby… or read an ECG. The last of which can boost your survival odds by over 90% —if you act fast enough...

The strange reason birth control pills are a life safer in a catastrophe. And no, it's not to avoid pregnancy...

Why you MUST own a glass syringe (hint: it's to stop lock jaw so severe victims have been known to suffocate...)

How to safely remove an infected limb or finger — and avoid flesh-eating necrosis anyone over 50 is at high risk of catching...

...the physical trait that can double your chance of injury—shared by 2-in-5 Americans...

...and how to recognize the quiet signs someone you know is about to break mentally. Plus, how to help.

And more!

All designed to give you the ultimate 80:20 guide to survival medicine. Without wasting your time on one-in-a-million threats.

Because, instead, Dr. Scurtu focuses only on those dangers which are most likely to harm you, as proven by his extensive experience in Africa, Eastern Europe after the fall of communism, and state-of-the-art systems, like those in Germany or France, where Dr. Scurtu now works as a hospital surgeon.

Plus, if you act today, before it's too late…

You'll Also Get These Special
Bonuses, 100% Free!

You'll Also Get These Special Bonuses,
100% Free!

42 First Aid Secrets Hiding in Your Home
Was $27 NOW FREE

Picture this… Someone you know is sick or injured. It could be fatal and 911 isn't answering… You've no equipment…

What do you do?

Luckily, rescue is in easy reach… Buried under your nose in the form of everyday objects that also double as lifesaving meds. Including...

How to seal and disinfect a wound with glue, sugar, clove, or mouthwash... Treat a burn with toothpaste… Sanitize a cut with kitty litter, or turn your clothes into a gas mask...

PLUS, 6 amazing ways to save a life with duct tape. Like how to make a stretcher, splint, or even plug a gunshot wound… and more.

While your second gift is called…

Image is for visualization purpose only

The Vascular Failure Protocol
Was $47 NOW FREE

Because 157 million of us already have cardiovascular disease. Inflicting 655,000 deaths in 2020 alone...

While also skyrocketing your odds of other cruel killers like high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and more.

That's why Dr. Scurtu created 'The Vascular Failure Protocol'. An epic 365-page book that covers how to manage these conditions, so you stay healthy.

Including over 100 powerful alternative remedies, the best food to eat, with nutritional advice (great for a stockpile), easy-reference tables so you can see if your food is bad for you, and stacks of delicious easy to make recipes. All to keep you fit and healthy.

Lastly, your third gift is called...

Image is for visualization purpose only

How to Live Without Prescription Meds
Was $27 NOW FREE

Often, the meds we take have painful side effects… While studies also show that 125,000 deaths every year could be avoided if we didn't skip them. Putting us between a rock and a hard place...

Not to mention what'd happen if such meds vanished. With 131 million of us reliant on them to live. So, what can you do? Simple. Break the chain! Including...

The best natural alternatives to chronic meds after SHTF. Including aspirin, statins, painkillers, anti-inflammatories and more.

How to stockpile months' worth of meds - dirt cheap!

Plus 10 prescription meds you MUST stockpile, even if you don't need them, and more...

*All of which are available to download digitally. Meaning...

Image is for visualization purpose only

Very Soon, All This (And MORE!) Could Be Yours...

Very Soon, All This (And MORE!)
Could Be Yours...


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And that's not all, because...

You Also Get My
60-Day Moneyback Guarantee...

60 Days Money Back

That means, if at any point during the next 60 days you're not COMPLETELY satisfied simply send me an email and I'll give you back every cent.

No ifs, no buts.

It's as simple as that!

That's right: You have TWO FULL MONTHS to test drive 'Survival MD' before you decide.

Just don't get mad if you ignore this offer today and see it at full price tomorrow.

That's my guarantee!

So, is it a deal?

I hope so!


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What People Say About Survival MD:

What People Say About
Survival MD:

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Survival M.D. is GREAT. 5 Stars all the way. Thank you so much. It is organized so that the average JOE BLOW can be ready to take care of self and family if needed'. Lottie Lee Hall

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'As a Vietnam combat medic, I found 'Survival MD' right up there with U.S. Army training'. David Endsley

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Very good book'. James Thoelke

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'I was a fire chief for 17 years and S&R for 20+ this would have been a good addition to our equipment.' Grant Smith

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Good stuff'. Cheryl

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'I am a Board-Certified Neurologist with 34 years of experience. I found the manual to be instructive, well organized, and well thought out for lay people as well as health professionals. A great deal for the price with invaluable information. I would recommend for anyone'. David Lee, MD

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Glad that I have it'. Bob Nelson

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'As a Nurse Practitioner your book was so interesting and [it] is now my 'go to' in times of trouble. I felt kind of prepared. [But] your book filled in the blanks for me'. Gregory Baize, Sr.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Very easy for non-medical personnel to understand'. Edward Riddle

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Five stars is not enough.' Tonie King

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'I think that everyone in the U.S. should have this'. Mike Kirsch

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'This book is a must-read for disaster preparedness. It is clearly written, easy to understand, and extremely informative. I highly recommend 'Survival MD!'. Zabian Crosby


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Why You Should Get Survival MD Today

Why You Should Get
Survival MD Today

Because all it takes is one bad day. And our health system is already in the red… With studies showing we'd need an extra 2.3 million health workers just to handle a “business as usual” scenario. Let alone a crisis...

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Second, we're more prone to disruption than ever before. For instance, it was only a few years ago that 50% of America's IV bag production was axed after a category 5 hurricane slammed into Puerto Rico (a leading supplier). Causing a 600% price surge overnight.

Not to mention the HUGE sums of cash you could save on your medical bills… That's why Dr. Scurtu released this book. But we can't do it alone...

60 Days Money Back

Today you can take part in something great: by boosting your self-reliance, helping yourself, loved ones and even total strangers with this knowledge.

Knowledge you can freely share once it's yours.

Everything you need is in "Survival MD ." All you need to do is click the button below to take advantage of your HUGE discount and all your free gifts.

I hope you make the right choice,

God bless.

60 Days Money Back

Everything you need is in "Survival MD ." All you need to do is click the button below to take advantage of your HUGE discount and all your free gifts.

I hope you make the right choice,

God bless.


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More About Dr. Scurtu, M.D.

More About Dr. Scurtu, M.D.

With decades of experience in some of the toughest situations imaginable, Dr. Radu Scurtu is a firm believer that there's no education like adversity. Why?

Because, although he now works as a hospital surgeon in France, Dr. Scurtu first earned his stripes in the harsh medical system of eastern Europe. After the fall of communism. When chaos was king.

I'm talking NO electricity, medicine, basics like plastic tubing, or even disinfectant — since corrupt officials would often water it down to nothing.

Where doctors and nurses fled for other countries in droves, inflicting horrific staff shortages…

…and where victims usually wouldn't die of their injuries — even non-threatening ones — but instead perished of infections they'd pick up IN HOSPITAL, -- while crammed two to a bed, alongside rats, cockroaches, or the corpses exhausted orderlies refused to remove.

In short: exactly what you'd face in a crisis.

All you need to do is click the link below. After which, we'll dispatch your book to you, ASAP, to arrive in just a few short days. Meanwhile you'll also gain access to your digital copy right away. PLUS, the free bonuses. All backed by our 60-day guarantee.

So don't delay. Click below now!


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P.S. This could be your ONLY chance to claim 76% off your order. So, act now. Before it's too late.

Let me answer a few common questions about Survival MD

There are plenty of reasons for that. First... Misinformation and ignorance.

Not everyone is like you and me. For example, it's common knowledge that many members of the youngest generations expect to have everything handed to them.

They feel entitled because modern society has taught them to be helpless and dependent. Especially when the SHTF, and no one is propping them up anymore. Hint: many of them may not survive.

And I hate to say this... but there are some ways in which a lot of so-called preppers are just like them.

Second, it's the fear factor. Most people think this is too complex to follow. They are partly right because most other books and survival journals overcomplicate it. The fact is survival medical knowledge is easy to understand when you have a proper manual.
Survival MD is a straightforward, simple and easy read. With a thorough table of contents, so you can jump straight to what you need.

As I said, most Americans would have no idea what to do in the event of a medical emergency if there were no way to see a doctor right away.

They don't know how to perform a body check as a precursor to figuring out what's wrong... even though it's very easy to do once you know how.

They don't know how to apply a cast to a fractured limb, how to treat a puncture wound (or a gunshot), or how to evaluate someone's condition using the Glasgow Coma Score. Despite the fact this knowledge could easily save millions of lives.

Plus, they don't know that chronic disease will be the leading post-crisis killer. Despite the fact such conditions are straightforward to fix. When you know how.

But anyone could pick this information up VERY fast once they have Survival MD on their shelf.
We created Survival MD mainly with medical self-sufficiency and survival in mind, and as far as we know, it's the most comprehensive training program of its kind. But the beauty of it is you also start saving money the second you start applying the knowledge, tips and tricks you'll find inside.

It all depends on what you decide to do, but you're probably looking at up to $1000 a year or more in savings, on over-the-counter drugs, you're your other expenses.
Not only will it work for you... but it's probably the best kind of 'medical survival manual' you could hope for. That's because you can make use of it starting today, providing a health safety net for you and your family.
We don't suggest that you rely on Survival MD alone, if professional healthcare is available. However, the Survival MD manual can provide you with all the knowledge you need to protect and safeguard your family's health and wellbeing if, God forbid, you find yourself in a difficult spot and first responders are nowhere in sight.
Survival MD includes detailed guidance on various medical procedures, emergency first aid, and preventive measures. It also provides tips on how to stock and maintain a medical kit, along with a comprehensive list of medical supplies you might need. Additionally, you will find step-by-step instructions and illustrations to help you understand and easily apply the techniques inside.
Unlike many survival guides that cover a wide range of topics superficially, Survival MD focuses exclusively on medical emergencies and health-related issues. It offers in-depth, practical information written by medical professionals and survival experts, ensuring you get reliable and applicable knowledge that can make a real difference in critical situations.
Yes, the information in Survival MD is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it reflects the latest medical guidelines and survival techniques. We consult with medical professionals and survival experts to keep the content current and relevant.
Upon purchasing Survival MD, you will receive instant access to a digital copy you can download and view on any device. You will also have the option to receive a physical copy for easy reference in an emergency when digital devices might not be accessible.
Absolutely. We offer customer support to help you with any questions or difficulties you might encounter while using the manual. You can reach out to our support team via email at [email protected], and we will be happy to help you.
Yes, when you order Survival MD, you also receive additional bonus materials, including 1. a quick reference guide for emergency situations, on how to use everyday items in a first aid context, 2. A 365-page guide on how to sustain optimal cardiovascular health in a SHTF situation, and before, that will keep you safe vs. the USA's worst killer (at 702,880 deaths every year), and gift 3. That shows you how to survive without prescription medication after supply chains fail, drug stores close, and hospitals and doctors are out of reach. Remember, 131 million of us rely on prescription medication simply to live. Which makes this guide a huge lifesaver.
The benefits can be immediate, especially if you start applying the knowledge right away. From performing first aid to understanding and managing medical emergencies, you will gain confidence and preparedness that can make a significant difference in your health and safety.
Yes! As I said, you're covered by my 60 day 'no questions asked' money-back guarantee.

If, for any reason, you want to return the program, you have 60 full days to do so. Even more, you can keep the digital copy as a thank you for trying out Survival MD.

No hassles, no gimmicks, no hard feelings.

That's why it's crucial that if you decide to try Survival MD, you do it fast.

So why not test it out now?

And achieve a lifetime of health, safety, and savings.

All you need to do is click on the 'Order Now' button above and let Survival MD give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Thank you for watching this presentation. I'm Henry Morris.